It is oftentimes necessary to use specific equipment to perform a particular task. There is nothing difficult in it if you use that kind of equipment in your native country. However, some issues arise when you need your equipment in other countries.
Here are some examples of such situations and equipment involved:
-Media reporters and cameramen needs cameras to make their coverages;
-Exhibition organisers and participants use specific exhibition equipment;
-Many types of stage equipment are used during concert tours and theatrical shows;
-A drilling rig for geophysical surveys is utilised in the course of a research project;
-A company supplying some manufacturing equipment dispatches its experts to another country to conduct the commissioning of the equipment with the aid of some auxiliary equipment (which they bring with themselves).
These, and much more, situations have one thing in common; there is a need to move the equipment, which is used for some operations, across the border to another country or even to several countries without having to pay customs duties.
In order to solve this task, Event Logistics Company is governed by the Istanbul Convention on Temporary Admission. In particular, we do the following:
-Temporary admission of professional equipment into the territory of Ukraine and into the neighbouring countries;
-Temporary export of equipment to abroad;
-Temporary export of goods to outside of Ukraine
According to the aforesaid Convention, professional equipment is the auxiliary equipment used for the purposes of television and radio broadcasting and other types of equipment necessary for the maintenance of exhibitions, concerts, various shows and other events as well as special equipment required for the conduct of professional operations.
In order to import or export the cargoes, the expert staff of Event Logistics Company prepares an international custom document called ATA Carnet. When such document is signed and presented to the customs authorities in the countries of the CIS, the European Union, America, and Asia, it is allowed to import or export professional equipment and some particular goods without having to prepare additional transit documents and without having to pay customs duties and taxes.
An import or an export of special cargoes are for a limited period of time, and cargoes are permitted to remain in a foreign territory during one year. Upon the expiry of this period, it is necessary to either export of this cargo or to re-issue the documents, having presented a renewed and duly signed voucher to custom authorities.
There are some cases where a transit, an import or an export of professional equipment and some goods must accomplishing through, into or from a country, which is not a part of the aforementioned Istanbul Convention.
In such case, Event Logistics Company provides the comprehensive documentary support in compliance with the customs regulations and rules of a particular country.
You can refer to the relevant on-line form at our website in order to make your application for the services of import/export of professional equipment and other goods to and from Ukraine. You can also contact our staff directly by telephone to get a qualified advice and a set of services that will be advantageous for you.